Motivational Quotes for Students

 Motivational Quotes by Brajesh Mohan Sir. Success quotes for students, 15 Powerful Quotes On Success. Read 50 Powerful and Inspirational Quotes.

Motivation is an action or word which influences others in terms of culture, work, behaviour, etc. Motivation is derived from the word motive, which means a need with required satisfaction. When we talk about motivation we refer to an internal state that activates, drives and incites an individual to maintain a certain behavior to achieve their objectives or goals. In short, motivation is the energy that pushes us to develop an action or maintain a certain behavior.

The role of motivation is very high for a student who desire to clear different exam and achieve success in different spectrum of life. The more motivated a student is, the greater involvement they will have in their study, the greater dedication and attention they will pay to their tasks and, as a consequence, they will have greater ease in reaching their academic goals. Likewise, motivation will allow you to progress in your skills and abilities, as well as overcome your limitations.

15 Powerful Quotes On Success

1) Success is No Accident

Famous soccer athlete, Pele who appeared to be born with plenty of natural talent, continues this quote by adding “It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing.”

2) Success is Not Final, Failure is Not Fatal: it is the Courage to Continue that Counts

3) Don’t Count the Days, Make the Days Count

Don’t worry so much about how long you’ve been doing it. Make today count. Focus on what you can do right now. That advice seemed to work well for Muhammed Ali. It can serve you well too, by keeping you in motion and not worrying about the past or future, of which you have no control over.

4) He Who is Not Courageous Enough to Take Risks Will Accomplish Nothing in Life

Another great quote by Muhammad Ali. As a founder of a company it is wise to try and de-risk your venture by learning as much as you can and testing as much as you can, step by step. Yet, at some point you will have to take calculated risks. That doesn’t mean you won’t have to deal with fear or doubt. You just have to act anyway.

5) When You Feel Like Quitting, Remember Why You Started

It doesn’t matter how strong, tough, intelligent or positive you are. There will be days you are tempted to quit. The difference in the successful is they are the few that don’t. This is why knowing your core why is so important upfront. Remind yourself of it daily. Pivot, change tactics, get help, take a break, just don’t quit.

6) Great Things Never Come From Comfort Zones

When you stop stepping out of your comfort zone, you stop growing, and stop doing the most amazing work you can.

7) The Real Risk is Doing Nothing

Quote from Denis Waitley. The truth is that what you think is your comfort zone is probably the riskiest place you can be sitting.

8) Success is Walking from Failure to Failure

Another great quote by Winston Churchill. You may not see all the failures your idols go through, but you can bet there are a lot of them. In fact, the more successful, the more failures that have been clocked up.

9) Action is the Foundational Key to Success

This quote by Pablo Picasso is as true today as when he began painting. Imagine if he kept all those images in his head instead of putting pain to canvas? What a tragedy that would have been.

10) In the End We Only Regret the Chances We Didn’t Take

11) Success isn’t Always about Greatness. It’s about Consistency

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson adds that “Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.” Sometimes even the consistency itself is the greatest success and what people remember. Dream big, start doing the small stuff well. Repeat every day.

12) Success is Where Preparation & Opportunity Meet

13) 80% of Success is Showing Up

This quote is from Woody Allen. Sometimes all you need to win is to be the one to show up. Sometimes it is just showing up at the right time and place. 

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Motivation Quotes - Brajesh Mohan

Motivation Quotes - Brajesh Mohan

Tags: Great Success Quotes for Students and Kids, 51 Motivational Quotes For Students Who Need Inspiration, Motivational Quotes for Students, Top 100 motivational quotes for students, motivational quotes for students to work hard, Success quotes for students in exams, The Top 100 Quotes of All Time, Motivational Quotes: 100 Inspiring Quotes to Start Your Day, 51 Quotes about Success to Inspire You in Life and Business, 100 Motivational Quotes That Will Inspire You to Succeed.

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